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About Me

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I am interested in Photography, Art and visual Imagery, which is creative, I also enjoy going Online to website that can be of use too me following or pursuing Photography. I read Literature on Philosophy, and aesthetic's, Art theory and Poetry. I have studied photographic design and photographic Art. I am willing to take commissions to make photograph's for anyone whom wants’ them done and available to discuss this too. I have some of my Photographic Artwork on various website's which show my artistic sensibility and have web-blog's on many social networking website's. I am trying to show my work to as many people as possible by the use of these website's on the internet because I believe it is important too show my Artwork to as many people as possible. I am an author on Photographic Art theory also an e-book called realistic images in writing, ideas of photographic imagery.

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Saturday, 1 February 2014

Eye sore phase !.

  Note‘s: Eye sore phase !.

   To complete my most immediate decorations. In phase’s. eye sore’s my hallway looked pretty bad when I moved in.

  Firstly;  “don’t drill, Scraping with wall paper scraper or bang things around, as well with playing music to obviously“; the wall’s are so thin I can hear a phone call be discussed next door !. at night as there is a very sick lady downstairs’  actually her bedroom is beneath where I am decorating so it’s is apparently inconvenient.

What I can do are these thing’s in the morning and up until a certain time at night let say 9-10 cleaning up.

I can continue anyway which will take only a few day’s to do as I am quite  down already with the painting of the under coat may only take one coat. So the main paint goes on in 2 coat’s quite easy with no mixing.

 What I will do is sand down the skirting board and door’s for gloss paint before laying down the carpet which I have too cut. I want to also put more putty in the window’s or glass in the flat which are above the door’s so put masking tape around window’s the one I did above my bedroom door that had been loose is now firmly placed. And I put it in the window frame only 2 hour’s earlier.

Also clean the window off paint with white spirits if to take of the gloss paint that is on the glass and there is also putty on it to.

  Sanding down does not take long if I have the right sand paper grade so because there is already a coat on it I should be fine. Also there is some part of the door frame that has not been painted on so needs to be primed.

Also paint the case’s for wiring it really hides them in the paint work of the wall because they stand out like a pink elephant all along the wall’s and are badly done, the bit by the intercom need’s shortening. To fit maybe I should cut it with my Stanley knife today.

 Sand down the paint with a fine grade paper. Undercoat and main paint colour first coat. So the final coat goes on well. Be careful of drip’s with gloss on the door’s so load up the brush with small amount’s of paint. Paint the whole inner and outer door-frame first and only paint one side of the actual door for appearance . I think that I have to paint the frame first because the paint may run down the door when it is already dried so do in this way

 When all that is done. I can go on to the second phase which is the living room. Then removing the wallpaper, I can paint the other side of the door.

Keep that green box with cover’s as my tool box and carry it around from room to room if I want to, it is so convenient as I don’t know what I am doing and what I want so it Is better to have it whilst I am learning by experience/instruction some thing’s like the caulking can go wrong but I may over come it as in with using a brush instead of a cloth. Always keep the brush/putty knife wet when applying putty or smoothing putty as it would prevent it getting stiff

  Note: Safety

  { If I or someone else such as a work man slammed the door  maybe even the wind slammed it shut the glass could of fell out and smashed . It was that loose and badly done as is everything in this flat the previous tenant’s or the owner’s , it is possible they just had not inspected the place since they purchased it or it was built it is that sad. A state and ill repair or inconsequential to someone would is employed for the upkeep of the place.

I had to do everything myself, they are not trying to sell the place like a new estate management company would. They are only falsifying me or pacifying me ? }.

Thursday, 30 January 2014

Short term project

  Short term project

     Notes for the short term project:

 T0  give the flat the appearance of  being good to live in, this is something I can do like home improvements both short & long term.

 Decorating prioritising .  

     Wallpaper stripping:
   Note: turn off all power and electricity first before removing the fire alarm if using a steamer paint stripper. These re good and I stripped my room in a few hour’s using a stripping scraper, cleaning up a I went with a bin & broom, it was that quick also they are cheap at £30.00 or more from a DIY shop.

      Masking tape:

   Firstly use masking tap on everything & lay it down first. Then sand down  everything. And use filler on everything. I can use a large sand paper that is fat or a thin one.

     Sand paper:
     Smooth over sanding with paper about 150 grade for the walls’  & 60 grade for the paint.


 There are a few time of filler I had used. From a time for interior I did not need a lot maybe a few tube’s, then another filler is a tin liquid like soft filler for hair line cracks which go deep and separate the plaster, It is so soft I can paint and scrape it on with a brush/ filling knife.

The next one is for cracks’ which have already made a how & need the hole filling as well with any cracking line’s too. Finally use caulk and a squeezing gun for the gap’s in wall’s door’s, skirting board and window’s like a window putty.

       Primer/Emulsion diluted 2/10 litres.

   *Prepare the walls’ with 2 coats of primer/Emulsion- light grey watered down 10 litres with 2 litres of water. Sand it down with sanding paper, 60 grade for the paint.  Use a paint mixer.

 Always wash & clean as you go because it will leave a big mess afterward’s.


     Random drilling for hanging things but a  power detector £15.00. And use it for power. Wire and pipe detecting of behind wall’s and or think if there is a pipe behind where I am drilling. Also mark on the drill how far  I are going to go, check where your drilling also so that I don’t go through anything. & if I am using socket’s then drill a whole larger than the socket as .

Thursday, 2 January 2014

Looking for tapes, to use on the carpet

In my amazon folder's on decorating wish list I have some carpet tape and seam tape which does not need an iron so I can use this website to lay carpet. economical carpet with foam back so no need for a carpet layer . Check out this link for carpet website's  Carpet joining tape for seam's. this double sided sticky tape maybe good for the job I wanted Carpet tape  other tapes are mamoth carpet tape, sounds better in reviews but this sounds like it does the business everbuild.

I have just seen this extra heavy duty tape alsolook at this one too or call them up

Menards How-To-Install-Carpet

Menards How-To-Install-Carpet

Wednesday, 1 January 2014

Carpet installation crash course (How to)

Decorating my flat

I am thinking of decorating my new flat, I have never done it before, so I am looking at how to do it videos on youtube. they seem easy but i am a bit nervous knowing i could go wrong. And i don't know what to choose from so i will just do it by trial and error.

Painting over surfaces